
Wix vs WordPress which is better

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In this blog, we are telling about Wix vs WordPress which is better. If you are making an E-commerce site and want one package then Wix is the best option for making the site. If you want value dependency and creative control over the site then you will use WordPress because of its CMS(content management system).

In this blog, we are comparing the Wix and the self-hosted platform, not because and both are different platforms.

Let’s take a look at Wix vs WordPress which is better

Design and CustomizationIt has many templates for making the site but you can’t use them without redesigning the websiteIf you have good coding skills then you would customize your own website and it has many themes also for making the website
E-commerceIt has built-in E-commerce plans for the websiteYou have to install the plugin for the E-commerce site called WooEcommerce
Ease of UseWix is a user-friendly website with drag-and-drop featuresWordPress is not a user-friendly website, it is best for those who have any prior knowledge about that.
PluginsIt has limited customization featuresIt has flexible and customizable features but in some situations, it creates a problem if plugins break down
BloggingIt includes a free media library and categories, tags for blogsIt has categories, tags, and featured images for blogs
PricingIt has 7 premium plans starting from $16 per month to $59 per monthIts price depends on various factors like themes, plugins, hosting, etc
Help and SupportIt has a dedicated team for support and we can help through email or phoneIt has a large community with a lot of discussions but not well organized
SEOIt has advanced SEO features with the basic or unlimited plansIt has basic SEO tools with the Yoast plugin, but if you want advanced features then costs $69 for one website

Explanation with points-

  • Design and customization
  • E-commerce
  • Ease of use
  • Plugins
  • Blogging
  • Pricing
  • Help and support
  • SEO

Design and Customization

From a styling point of view:

Wix will be a better choice if you are looking for a platform that will provide you with better templates but remember one thing you cannot edit too much(in respect of customization) as WordPress will be far better than Wix if you want to customize your website according to your will and also know about the Wix vs WordPress which is better.

A great deal for beginners (Wix):

Wix vs WordPress which is better

The Wix rating has increased over time which is 4.4 out of 5. And with approx. 800 templates will never make your mood- like stuck in a less customizable platform. It comes with the example content(in your site) then you could see what your website looks like and also know about Wix vs WordPress which is better

Wix will provide you with category-wise templates means which one will be perfect for you. It is highly made or can attract beginners(as they may don’t want to customize it more).

Crazy Point– if you don’t want to make your site by your design and want to make it by some other then WixADI will be the better choice as it will make your site just by asking a few questions about the purpose and some little(obvious) more.

More preferable by experienced designers:

You may feel blank or confused when you see WordPress first time but if you go deep into that platform then you will find the freedom of customization without any limitations. The major distinction between WordPress & Wix is WordPress may give you complexities but after some time your behavior will automatically adopt it.

WordPress Themes

Themes options in WordPress-

  • Selection from over 200+ WordPress themes.
  • Selection from 3rd party made themes- approved by WordPress.
  • Intensify your website with our 55,000+ plugins.
  • Freedom to create your own themes.

WordPress also offers premium themes as well and also know about the Wix vs WordPress which is better

Read also: Can I create a free blog on the WordPress


E-commerce is when we are selling any things online


Wix Eccomerce

It has three paid E-commerce plans through which we can sell our things online for $27 per month. If you want to sell your items on Wix you have to need some tools like

  • Automated sales Tax
  • Secure Online Payments
  • Sell in Multiple Currencies
  • 20GB storage
  • $100 ad voucher

Wix is one of the most important top-rank E-commerce builders and its plans are beneficial for those people who want to sell a few products.



WordPress has more advanced E-commerce features than Wix. If you want o sell your products through WordPress you have to install the plugin.

WooCommerce is the most important plugin that you will need to sell your products online.

It is a paid E-commerce plugin you have to pay for the domain name, hosting, etc. It is free from transaction fees but Paypal pro charges $30 per month.

Ease of use

Most of the people who are working at the beginner level are using Wix and WordPress because they don’t want to hire a website designer.

If you are using Wix and WordPress you don’t need the knowledge of coding.

Wix- highly recommended for beginners

Wix provides you with drag & drop option’s so that with just a few clicks you could easily make your website layout as you want- this means you can set the button, paragraph & other content very well.

It is made to attract beginners & intermediate-level builders so that they can easily make their website without any difficulty. Here you don’t need any prior coding experience and also know about the Wix vs WordPress which is better.

WordPress for the highly experienced as well as for earning in web development


Creating the website from scratch & provides you freedom as well as knowledge about how to create any site that opens the doors as a role for a WordPress developer.

Here you may face difficulty in viewing it live so our recommendation will be before publishing it live you just need to view it how it looks like online.

Also here you don’t need any highly coding knowledge but with a period you become obvious for using it with at least the knowledge of HTML gives you more knowledge and your complexities & headache get decrease as you know how to make your site content more attractive then just drag & drop options.


If you want third-party extensions for the website for more features then you will use Plugins.

In Wix, it is called App and in WordPress, it is called Plugins.

Wix is better for app integration

Wix scored 5 out of 5 for app integration. The Wix plugin is controlled by a private development team which makes it on higher quality basis. But don’t take the plugin of WordPress at less as compared to Wix.

For quality- Wix

Just by clicking the link in the dashboard, you can easily manage the apps of Wix.

Wix offers over 300 apps (paid as well as free). Here you could find the categories of which plugin you want from e-commerce to marketing. And you don’t need to worry about installation on your site as all are approved by the Wix team himself.

For quantity- WordPress

WordPress Plugins

Here you could select from among 55,000 plugins- which will suit your site. Like Wix WordPress also offers some premium as well as free (like Elementor -a widely used plugin). By many WordPress developers. Here you could also make your plugin (as it is free & open-source software) and also know about the Wix vs WordPress which is better.

Point to remember: Here you could choose any plugin, but like Wix, your installation of that plugin may not suit your site- all you need to do is check or see the reviews on Google whether that plugin benefitted your site or not.


If you want to create a blog so Wix and WordPress is the easiest blog platform for beginners.

WordPress takes the first hand in that scenario

Why? Because the property like the individual post, images & native discussion makes it more reliable for potential users who want their blogs and want to earn or socialize their view on the internet.

Let’s talk about Wix

Wix is best for small blogs. It props up some categories of articles and has records of media like free images, videos & gifs.

Wix provides the feature of responsiveness as anyone even on mobile could see your blog but sometimes you need some extra like Facebook comments you may be disappointed with that feature as it is there but not well for high-profile blogging and also know about the Wix vs WordPress which is better

Let’s talk about WordPress

WordPress Blogs

WordPress will provide you a greater edge over Wix as it includes the feature of Wix add some extra features which is used by most bloggers worldwide and it has the greatest Content Management System (CMS) means you could easily make endless blogs without any limit and with its feature make it more reliable. Feature’s like-

  • Blog posts can antecede easily.
  • capability to make an image over the top of your blog.
  • native commenting is available for WordPress account owners.
  • Trilingual (support of multi-language).
  • A feature that makes some posts invisible to all the readers.

Instead of all the above featureful points, WordPress still lacks one feature that may bother you i.e; a free library of media(including images, videos & others) so that users need to take a picture from pixabay or pixels.


WordPress takes the edge also over here as it beat Wix. Because WordPress pricing depends on the hosting plan but is still lower than Wix. As Wix charges are high compared to other platforms.

Pricing of Wix (ranges between $16 to $59)

Free: It also offers a free plan but you should rely on that as:-

  1. You can’t use your custom domain name.
  2. Selling through this with a free option is not possible.
  3. Basic customer support.
  4. Ads can’t be removed.

So, if you can adjust these points then Wix is for you also with free as well and also know about the Wix vs WordPress which is better

Wix pricing plans

Wix offers domain names free of cost condition- if you buy its annual plan (cost maybe $10-$12) with a $300 advertisement voucher  (Local Listings, Ads Google Adwords and Bing).

You can buy plugins that may be free or pay according to your requirement plugin like- image animations, events booking, and more. The Wix plan includes tons of functionality depending on the plan you will buy. If you decide to buy the Wix premium plan then we would recommend that you should buy a 1-year plan as it cut the cost by over 8% – 30% and also know about the Wix vs WordPress which is better

Pricing of WordPress (ranges between $0 to $200)


Even though WordPress is open-source, free software but still you need to buy a domain name(recommendation $2.95 p/month) as well as a hosting plan(recommendation starting at $10 a year).

you may need some extra features from WordPress. like:-

  • Stored WordPress theme – a one-time payment of $25 – $299.
  • Plugin for extra features – $0 – $70 per plugin.

For taking your site to live you just need to invest $0 – $200(annually) + $10-$40(monthly).

With Bluehost, you get some extra features like-

  1. WordPress-centric user dashboard.
  2. Domain name & SSL certificate at no cost.
  3. Updates.
  4. 24/7 support from experts.

Help and support

Wix will provide much greater support than WordPress. Because in Wix you will get the answers to some small questions instantly when you hover over the small mark questions and in WordPress the support you will get from articles and also know about the Wix vs WordPress which is better

Wix- Support

Wix Support

For contacting the Wix team you just need to contact them either via Email or Contact number from Mon-Fri from 5 am to 5 pm according to EST. And video tutorial is also available with articles for more support. And so they score 4.3 / 5.

WordPress- Support

WordPress Support

It is totally up to you how intelligent your nature is for finding the solution to your problem and in most cases, if you are stuck in any situation then all you have to do is to find the answer by yourself or read as many articles for finding out the problems. The WordPress support system is not well as compared to Wix as it is open source and also know about the Wix vs WordPress which is better

In most situations ever you are stuck the chances to come out of that problem may be easy as in today’s world approximately 43.2% of all the websites in the world are made with the help of WordPress and there are lots of articles provided on the internet from where you can find the solutions.


In that case, if we look at WordPress then we find WordPress offers very nice SEO tools and by looking at Wix then it also offers very nice SEO tools as well then one winner or both of them is the winner.

Wix SEO tools

The Wix site booster is the popular SEO tool widely used in Wix and its maximum cost will be equal to $3.75 per month.

The upgrade in Wix tools is always held after a regular interval of time.

WordPress SEO tools

WordPress is the giant in tools or plugins as compared to before and if we talk about SEO tools then Yoast is the most popular tool and it is used for over 5 million websites and also know about the Wix vs WordPress which is better

Yoast cost will be approximately range to $99 per year. And it provides some great features like-

  • Change metadata (text that appears on the search result)
  • Redirect (automatic to the new URL during slug changes on an existing page)
  • Recommendation for link whenever you create a new web page.


1. Which is better WordPress or Wix?

In my opinion, WordPress is better because it has the features of advanced customization but if you don’t have technical knowledge you can use Wix also

2. Can I move my site from Wix to WordPress?

Yes you can move your site from Wix To WordPress by RSS feed you can migrate all the pages and images by this method

3. Is Wix Slower than WordPress?

Users write comments on WordPress which works slowly and is not easy to manage.

4. Which is the fastest hosting for WordPress?

  • Bluehost
  • Dreamhost
  • Kinsta
  • Flywheel

5. Can WordPress host the domain?

Yes, WordPress host the domain you don’t need to purchase the separate domain for the site. It has free and paid plans also.

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