
How To Increase Blog Traffic

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(If you want to know How To Increase Blog Traffic then this article will provide you with much information).

By following our guides you would know How To Increase Blog Traffic to your website.

So before giving you advice let’s talk about why Blog.

  • With Blogging You can share your views with other people or a large audience.
  • Blogging can help you to increase your site traffic.

–Be a good writer–

1. Find the right writer (if you don’t have the capability)

The content should be outstanding from the reader’s point of view.

Outstanding means the writer should have passion for what he/she is writing and knowledge performs a very crucial role. Don’t copy or write like a Bot.

Just remember one important thing if a writer falls into the ocean of words and searches the best words and articles about the blog should be from the heart.

The writer’s personality depicts in the blog. And the personality of the writer easily catches by the readers.

This point is all about the writer let’s move to other points which consider the content more.

2. Utilize the keyword research tool to identify your blog topics

Giving a title to your blog is much more difficult than How To Increase Blog Traffic as that word should consist of the idea about your blog is what about. Writing a blog may be easy but giving a title that can attract readers is much more difficult than every user could click on your site and look at what you have written.

The keyword research tool is your best friend here. Through this, you can generate a nice blog post proposal for the targeted audience and also know about How To Increase Blog Traffic.

You should also use Ahrefs or Semrush– here you can find the trending searches and you could know how many difficulties you could face to rank a specific phrase.

The trick of a keyword research tool is to find a phrase that could generate rational traffic by moving it to the blog but remember one thing there is not a huge competition.

Add these points to your post-

  1. Title
  2. Meta description
  3. header
  4. Alt text
  5. Body(content)

3. Your nucleus point is to make the elaborated content to your blog

Elaborated content means a high word count that looks into a pit on a particular topic.

Why should we require long lengthy content? Let’s see-

  • Satisfaction to the readers: long blog content can give more information than short one. In the long one can fulfill most of the queries of the readers. So to increase blog traffic then you have to cure that point.
  • Keyword rich: The content(long content) automatically more keyword rich naturally(Search engines involve a mixture of several words).

Consequences- With the positive point of view your post gets shared on other social media or linked to other sites as well will lead to an increase more traffic on your site and you also know How To Increase Blog Traffic

The point you have to remember- If you tried to make a blog with more words means involve huge content then you should not undermine the quality of your content. Google itself provides advice on how to make the content rank top.

–Length matters a lot with qualitative content

4. Make sure to update your post at regular intervals to feel the content is new & updated

For making your blog content updated you spend a lot more time making it like so that your article gets to come first whenever the user wants to read about something which you have written.

But just think like a reader who wants to know some knowledge and if your article has all such stuff but you provide him an outdated or interpreted things, How To Increase Blog Traffic and the user does trust on that texts that he/she had red and they didn’t do the search again about what your article told. But when they know the reality after applying it, they feel obsessed with your blog. So for avoiding that make sure like us as our content gets focused on qualitative means not made from a quantitative point of view and this concept we also want our readers to provide accurate data based on the concept (with updated articles).

It will be valuable when you create a post on regular basis– the more content on your site you could create more keywords for ranking on top of every search.

–Content should be robust–

5. Follow the image tool technique

Why images?

  1. Images make your content more noticeable as when you have images then it makes it simpler for readers to get an idea about what the blog provider wants to show.
  2. Images help to optimize your content to get at the top and it also helps to How To Increase Blog Traffic.
  3. When anybody shares your post with some other and if your post contains dull pictures then it may be not so beneficial for your blogs as clickthroughs get less as compared to what your post deserves.
  4. To make it more authoritative? when you use photographic images instead of an art-type piece the image makes your content more effective and trustable.

Make sure to add ‘alternative text’, and captions so as the chances to get searched the post will get increased by a search engine.

Some key points-

  • Use only those images on which you have the right to use otherwise you will pay hundreds of dollars as a penalty for breaching the law of copyright. Sites like Unsplash & Pixabay will provide you with hundreds of images free of cost.
  • Beware of image size as search engine give priority to those data or post which has less file size as compared to heavy ones.

–Tools like Canva will provide you more freedom with qualitative ones.–

6. Develop your post for search engine

For on-page SEO step is very crucial that you should take to for your blog for performing well in search.

What Google wants most of the time-

Google just wants to load the website according to user search as quickly as possible. And a few steps you should follow for making your site visible:-

  • Write down your site on the google search console & also on Microsoft bing as well.
  • Make your site according to the Google new core web vitals based on standards on speed & stability.
  • Greatly ensures to make your site images as small as possible.
  • steer clear of unnecessary scripts on your page.

Some Technical steps you should follow:-

  • Create a blog post title in such a way that acts like a mirror for your keyword research accurately what you are writing about.
  • Use keywords well-off heading like- H1, H2, H3, H4, etc to break up points.
  • Keyword inclusive– in each post URL that acts like a mirror of your content & never forgets about filling the ‘alt’ portion of images.

Develop your post primarily from the reader’s point of view(never forget)- 1. Explain the concept clearly without using complex languages as they just want to know what your article is about. 2. Fast loading. 3. Large & easy-to-read font with responsive design as well so that your content could reach mobile users as well.

7. Catch Email addresses

Just by following that step carefully, you could increase traffic as you could convey your new blog post if you had the visitor’s email address along with more social shares and also know about How To Increase Blog Traffic.

For catching the email addresses you need a mailing list sign-up form on each blog post that could help a lot in capturing the email of the visitors. And giving the information about the benefits for join your site if they join you as a subscriber.

Let’s say, the skill they will learn, How To Increase Blog Traffic, and what kind of knowledge you will provide instead of boring & 100 years old words “join our mailing list”.

There is a most amazing tool made to give information automatically about your new blog and you could implement them. Tools like- AWeber, Mailchimp, or Mad Mimi.

8. Boost Social Sharing for How To Increase Blog Traffic

Encourage your users to share your blog post through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

This will add a direct impact on How To Increase Blog Traffic.

Sumo and AddThis provide you with the social media sharing icons that should be used on your website and forms.

Does a Blogging Platform is important for writing a blog?

Today people are thinking that blogging can be done on a specific platform.

You can write Blogs on WordPress it has good features and is very easy to use.

Read Also: Blogger vs WordPress

9. For user Engagement you should use Comments

User Engagement is useful in How To Increase Blog Traffic.

There are two reasons:

  • It can help to encourage visits to your blog
  • It creates more rich keyword content

Always take care that moderate these comments carefully and increase user engagement on the blogs.

10. Add Backlinks to your posts

There are two important steps that ensure you How To Increase Blog Traffic:

  • Add Quality content to your blog
  • Add Quality backlinks to your blog

Getting backlinks is a difficult task because it needs to reach some bloggers and website owners and asks them to add a link to our post on their website.

Another option is that you have to contact the consultant agency persons that arrange backlinks for you but take care that they add your post link on the low-content website.

When building backlinks:

  • Focus on that website that has good quality content on it
  • The links that you created are contextual


1. How To Increase Blog Traffic on posts?

To increase traffic to the blog post make sure that your blog post has quality content, write the blogs consistently, and share blogs on the social media

2. How to trend our blog?

  • Easy navigation
  • Easy to scan content
  • Page loading time is fast
  • Use responsive themes

3. How long that our blog gets traffic?

Within three to six months

4. Which type of blog is most popular?

  • Travel Blogs
  • Food Blogs
  • Fashion and beauty Blogs
  • Health and Fitness Blogs

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