
How to rank a website on Google’s first page 10 steps easily

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Attaining a top position on Google’s first page is a significant challenge for website owners, necessitating a deep understanding of SEO and SEM strategies.

When budget is not a limitation, achieving the first spot on Google’s SERP through paid advertising is plausible. However, its sustainability relies on financial capacity.

For a sustained and strong flow of organic traffic from Google, investing in a thorough SEO strategy remains the most dependable approach.

For those aspiring to secure the highly sought-after top spot on Google’s rankings, this curated list of essential factors acts as a compass, guiding them through the complex landscape of search engine optimization.

Table of Contents

What is Google Ranking?

Google’s ranking metrics are meticulously engineered to sift through an immense volume of web pages, aligning with search intent by swiftly presenting the most pertinent and valuable results.

Websites earn their ranking through Google’s sophisticated algorithm, which evaluates an array of factors to determine the quality, relevance, and utility of a page in addressing a specific search query.

Step-by-Step Illustration Guide on How to Rank High on Google

  • Step #1: Improve Your On-Site SEO
  • Step #2: Add LSI(Latent Semantic Indexing) Keywords To Your Page
  • Step #3: Monitor Your Technical SEO
  • Step #4: Match the Content to the relevant search
  • Step #5: Reduce Your Bounce Rate
  • Step #6: Find Even Keywords to Target
  • Step #7: Publish Insanely High-Quality Content
  • Step #8: Build Backlinks to Your Site
  • Step #9: Track and Monitor Your Results
  • Step #10: Include Meaningful Visuals
  • Step #11: Make Your Information Skimmable
  • Bonus Step #1: Boost Your Click-Through-Rate
  • Bonus Step #2: Use Internal Linking

For those in the business of generating organic traffic, Google wields tremendous influence. Its web crawlers diligently analyze the vast expanse of web pages, deciphering and presenting the most beneficial and fitting content for users on nearly any subject. We not only look to Google’s results for guidance; we heavily depend on them.

With this unparalleled influence, the idea of propelling your small business to the first page of Google might initially seem like a lofty goal. However, it is precisely the might of Google that opens up remarkable opportunities for small and local businesses to achieve high rankings in search results, often at no cost at all.

how to get on the first page of google for free

In this post, we’ll delve into actionable steps to propel your business to the forefront of the first page on Google, focusing on two cost-effective strategies: website optimization and listing optimization. We’ll begin by detailing the essential practices for optimizing your website for enhanced visibility and search ranking.
The significance of securing a spot on the first page of Google is undeniable, and it’s worth delving into the tactics that facilitate this achievement, such as:

  1. Strategic Keyword Placement: Integrating relevant keywords in specific areas of your website, from titles and meta descriptions to headers and content, optimizes visibility for relevant searches.
  2. Content Tailored for Humans: Crafting content that appeals to and engages human readers rather than merely focusing on satisfying search engine algorithms ensures sustained interest and meaningful interactions.
  3. Location Emphasis: Highlighting your location in website content, meta information, and Google My Business profile enhances local visibility, vital for attracting nearby customers.
  4. Regular Google Listing Updates: Consistently updating and maintaining your Google listing ensures accuracy, relevance, and up-to-date information for potential customers, contributing to a positive user experience.

These strategies, among others, pave the way for achieving the coveted first-page presence on Google. Let’s now explore the specific benefits, of helping you make informed decisions within your business strategy.


Why is securing a spot on the first page of Google so crucial?

Google’s search results now include various features like Knowledge Panels, answer boxes, related questions, and localized results, presenting ample opportunities to captivate users. Achieving a top ranking is crucial due to the notable decrease in traffic and engagement beyond the top positions. Higher rankings increase the likelihood of user engagement, underscoring the value of aiming for the top spot.

How to Get on The First Page of Google

Traffic and user engagement experienced a sharp decline after the first few results.

Securing a spot on the first page of Google leads to significantly higher click-through rates.

The first page of Google garners the majority of web traffic, with substantial differences in click-through rates between the top and bottom results. Studies reveal the following click-through rates for various positions:

  1. First result: 36.4% click-through rate
  2. Second result: 12.5% click-through rate
  3. Third result: 9.5% click-through rate

These statistics underscore the exponential advantage of aiming for a higher position, emphasizing the pivotal importance of aiming for the top spots in search results.

How to Get on The First Page of Google

Click-Through Rate (CTR) declines significantly as you go down the search results, hitting just 2.2% for the 10th position. With Google displaying a maximum of 10 organic results per page, and considering inclusions like local results, ads, and answer boxes, aiming for a top spot is imperative. Missing out on a top position means missing a large chunk of potential clicks, visibility, and traffic that comes with it.

Get immediate exposure

In today’s Google search results, “Position Zero” or featured snippets have amplified the prominence of top-ranking positions, offering immediate exposure to users.

Google Featured Snippet

Top opinion traffic share

The top result on Google commands a substantial 33% share of search traffic, reinforcing the significance of aiming for the highest position. Proximity to the top strengthens search presence and brand authority, highlighting the critical role of top rankings in establishing credibility and driving significant organic traffic to your site.

How does first-page ranking benefit your business?

Securing a first-page ranking on Google offers several key benefits for your business:

1. Improve your visibility

  1. Enhanced Visibility: Just like a prime location on a bustling main road for a physical store, being on the first page of Google means your business is in a high-traffic area. With a massive number of searches monthly, being on this page increases your brand’s visibility significantly. The more people see your website, the more aware they become of your brand, ultimately improving brand recognition and recall.

2. Generate more leads

Imagine you have a choice between setting up a shop on the bustling main street of a diverse town or in a town populated solely by your ideal customers. In the digital realm, there are as many Google First pages as there are unique search queries. Your objective is to secure a position on the first page for those queries that align with the needs and preferences of your ideal customers.

By accomplishing this, you ensure that your business is discovered by consumers who are actively searching online with the intent to make a purchase or engage with your services. These individuals are the most likely to convert into valuable leads and loyal customers for your business, making it essential to target and excel on the first page of Google for the right queries.

3. Increase engagement

Adweek notes that 81% of shoppers conduct online research, often relying on Google’s search page. This page provides rich information through answer boxes, “People also ask,” local results, and essential details like contact information, maps, and reviews. Consumers can seamlessly learn, compare, and engage with your business directly on the results page.

How to Get on The First Page of Google People Also Ask

4. Drive website traffic

Snippets and answer boxes provide limited information. While the search results page is informative, many queries result in website clicks. Multiple website interactions often precede a conversion. Being on Google’s first page significantly increases website traffic. Conversely, not being on the first page is a substantial disadvantage. The first page captures 71% or more of web traffic, while the second page only receives about 6% of clicks, underscoring the crucial importance of securing a first-page spot.

4. Increase your industry authority

Securing a first-page spot on Google requires the consistent creation of valuable content, demanding significant time and effort. However, the subsequent surge in website traffic and trust is highly rewarding.

Additionally, continuous content creation about your industry and business mandates staying informed about your target audience’s interests and the latest industry updates. The importance of appearing on the first page of Google is in building and maintaining a robust knowledge base. This foundation establishes credibility and authority for your business within the industry.

5. Earn trust

Google’s algorithm easily identifies low-quality or suspicious content. Maintaining a consistent first-page presence signifies trust from Google, and consumers inherently trust businesses endorsed by Google.

How to Get on The First Page of Google

6. Build your audience

First-page Google ranking requires high-quality evergreen content, serving as a versatile resource for various marketing channels such as social media, email, and paid ads.

These content-driven efforts enhance visibility and provide abundant material for engaging with your target audience, nurturing leads, and maintaining a strong and lasting presence in their minds.

7. Speed up your sales cycle

In today’s consumer landscape, abundant options and easy access to information define the researching, evaluating, and decision-making process. The go-to platform for this? Google! Attaining a first-page position on Google is crucial for capturing these initial leads, kickstarting your sales cycle, and creating a favorable impression at the top of the sales funnel.

Things to Check Before Ranking

I’ve noticed a common misconception where people expect their new website to achieve a top ranking within just 2-to 3 weeks of going live.

Here are some crucial points to keep in mind before delving into why your website might not be appearing in the top #10 results of Google SERP.

Domain Age
Starting a fresh website and aiming for Google rankings after publishing just over 10 posts? Beware, you’re yet to gain Google’s trust.

Trust is earned with domain age. Ideally, your domain should be older than 4-5 months to witness significant ranking results.

Number of the Posts 
Quantity of content doesn’t significantly impact rankings, even if you publish 15-20 posts within the first month of launching your website. Trust, authority, and expertise in the topic and content are crucial.

This principle is encapsulated in EAT – Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Building EAT takes time. As time passes, Google begins recognizing the quality of your content and reader engagement.

Gradually, you gain authority in your niche, and Google starts trusting your content.

Now, let’s delve into various strategies to improve website ranking on Google.

Some Ways Through Which You Will Rank Website on Google #1

Emphasizing the importance of quality content is important. Quality content applies the foundation, but maintained ranking relies on user engagement, resolving your longevity at the top of search engine rankings.

Now, let’s meticulously examine each part of ranking a website on Google.

In what diverse ways can one land on the first page of Google without incurring costs?

Getting on the first page of Google is an attainable goal for small business owners, as Google prioritizes quality over quantity. The top rank isn’t only reserved for bigger companies or bigger funding. Google’s algorithm evaluates various factors, and its impacts page adapts various types of media that can achieve first-page status, including:

  • Blog posts and website pages shown in organic search results
  • Your Google My Business profile (within the local/maps area)

Optimizing your Google My Business listing guarantees that your business and its ratings are observable for local questions.

You can also book a spot on the first page via:

  • Snippets of your website content (featured in various examination results page features like “People also ask” and the reply box).
  • Your landing pages (achieved via the paid ads section, though not free, it’s important for visibility; for more guidance on using paid plans for first-page presence, refer to Google Ads tutorials).

Now, let’s refocus on the two unrestricted mediums for reaching a first-page presence.

Methods for leveraging your website to achieve first-page placement on Google

The process of aligning your website with search engine ranking elements is known as search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is executed on a per-page basis instead of optimizing the whole site at once. Here’s how to go around it:

1. Determine your keywords

To optimize your website for better visibility on Google, start by recognizing detailed search queries you want your website to rate for. These queries, generally known as keywords, can vary from single words to construct phrases.

For illustration:

  • “Laws governing tenants in Massachusetts”
  • “Closest salon to my location”
  • “Top brunch spots in Boston”
  • “Air conditioner repair in Brighton”
  • “Addressing a leaky roof”

Ensure that per page of your website is strategically centered near a distinct set of these keywords to underestimate the inner competition. It’s vital to select keywords that align with what your target audience is exploring to actually showcase the outcomes and services your business proposes.

2. Tell Google what keywords you’re using

Google works by systematically crawling the web, considering the group of existing pages, and indexing them for efficient admission. When a user starts a search, Google can swiftly sift via its well-organized index, greatly revving the process of developing relevant results corresponding to watching the entire web.

Meta title

Every blog post and page on your website is provided with a meta title. This title is prominently shown at the top of the page as a title and also serves as the title for that page’s listing in search results, contingent upon your Content Management System (CMS) environments.

Meta description

The meta description is a brief blurb displayed below the title in Google’s search results. Separated from conveying the page’s importance to Google, it offers a brief preview to the searcher about what they’ll find upon connecting, boosting appropriate clicks to the page. Essentially, the meta report helps Google in placing your business on the right first page for suitable searches and aids searchers in keeping that visibility.


Your URL includes your domain name (e.g., followed by a forward slash and text split by dashes.

Incorporating appropriate keywords into your URL aids Google in swiftly understanding the page’s content. Moreover, the URL is placed between the title and meta description in search results. A tidy URL that aligns with the page’s title not only improves user request and trust but is also more helpful to ensuring a position on the first page of search results.

Alt tags

Google depends on text alternatives, also known as alt tags, to analyze the content of images. When your alt tag contains relevant keywords, Google can better define the page’s relevance, improving the likelihood of booking a spot on the first page of its search results.

3. Write for humans

Certainly, the body of your page’s range is important for including the keywords you desire to rank for. However, it’s important to ensure these keywords are seamlessly combined and not forced or overblown. Google now has the power to determine keyword filling, and operating such tactics can greatly restrict your chances of anchoring on the first page of search results.

The key to ensuring a first-page spot on Google lies in delivering practical, dependable, easily digestible, and enlightening content. This content should entertain your target audience, attracting them to stay on your pages and inspiring return visits. Sharing your current knowledge in a casual manner is not only cost-effective but also uncomplicated. Just keep in senses that to rank on the first page of Google for a detailed keyword search, your page must provide the essential information, not just keywords, that users seek when they conduct that search on Google.

4. Emphasize location

Another useful method to position your website pages on the first page of Google is by concentrating on location-based questions. Confirm that your website absolutely displays your city and/or geographic area, which can be reached through your contact page and, perhaps, blog posts and services pages. By doing so, when people perform searches like “your industry” + “your city,” Google will remember this information and exhibit your business as a “near me” examination result.

Even if a user doesn’t explicitly use a place in their search, Google believes their IP address and conforms up geographically relevant outcomes. This underscores the consequence of local SEO, which not only arrives at no cost but stays essential at all times, including during a pandemic.

5. Optimize for mobile

Having a responsive website is essential if you desire to appear at the top of a Google search. With consumers increasingly operating phones and tablets instead of traditional computers and laptops, and a significant amount of local searches developing from mobile devices, Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites. Notably, all websites are now indexed through mobile-first indexing.

Ideally, a responsive layout permits your website to seamlessly adjust to different screen sizes while maintaining full functionality. However, if your website isn’t responsive, there are adjustments you can execute to provide an optimal and smooth experience for mobile users.

6. Focus on user experience

Merely being mobile-friendly is not acceptable for a website. It must also offer an attractive and user-friendly background. A website with instinctive navigation, clear calls to move, and immediate answers to visitors’ pressing questions will not only hold them active but prompt return visits—an aspect that Google identifies and bonuses with higher rankings. The higher your ranking, the more gridlock your site will attract, raising the likelihood of occurring on the coveted first page of search results.

For comprehensive optimization of every part of your website, be sure to examine our complete Ultimate Website Audit Checklist, finished with an Epic 6-Tab Google Sheet.

Further, your website’s pages and your presence in online business guides can also secure a spot on the first page of a Google search.

7. Create a Google Business Profile

The Google Business Profile has appeared as an extremely powerful tool for local company owners, and the best part—it’s completely free. Google Maps and Search laboriously depend on Google My Business to develop local listings, often referred to as Business Profiles. Installing a Google Business account is a swift and direct method to increase your Business Profile with important information, greatly improving its visibility on the first page of both Google Maps and Search, particularly within the local results area. It’s critical to complete the process by reasoning and verifying your listing, giving you the capability to energetically monitor, support, and optimize your profile.

How to Get on The First Page of Google

8. Optimize your Google Business Profile

When discussing the enhancement of your listing, I view this strategy as distinct and crucial. While merely creating a Google listing can enhance your visibility, it has limitations regarding ranking. Instead of settling for a basic listing and crossing your fingers that it appears for a few searches, it’s essential to fine-tune your Google business listing to ensure optimal visibility.

Complete every section of your profile

Maximizing the details within your Google My Business listing significantly amplifies its chances of appearing on the first page for a broader range of searches. Remarkably, a comprehensive Google My Business listing attracts approximately 7 times more clicks compared to incomplete listings. This emphasizes the importance of thoroughness and accuracy when setting up your listing.

Keep your name consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to naming your business across all platforms. Google pays close attention to even minor discrepancies, such as using “Co.” versus “Company.” It’s essential to maintain the exact same name consistently to avoid any confusion or potential impact on your Google ranking.

Update your information

Failing to locate your business, finding it closed without prior information, or encountering an operator when attempting to call can not only discourage potential customers but also erode their trust in your business, potentially resulting in negative reviews. Maintaining an updated and accurate Google listing is crucial to prevent such situations and ensure your business is seen as reliable and deserving of a top spot in search results. Stay vigilant in managing your listing to foster trust and positive customer experiences.

Upload photos to your listing

The Google Business Profile aims to provide consumers with complete details about a business even before they commit to it instantly This contains what it’s like to be at that company, so be certain to upload photos that show not only the products and services your business offers but also the environment and individuals that frequent it.

9. Obtain customer reviews

Google searchers positively value understanding from fellow consumers about a business, making it unsurprising that companies bragging about an excess of positive Google examinations tend to ensure a conspicuous place on the first page of search results. Actively seek studies from customers in person and facilitate the process by developing a review shortcut link, enabling easier motivation of reviews across diverse online platforms. Although this technique technically falls within the domain of Google My Business optimizations, it’s important to remember that multiple other review sites also seriously affect your overall ranking. Diversify your actions in collecting reviews across appropriate platforms to support your online standing and visibility.

how to get on the first page of google get reviews local pack

10. List your business on other directories

While Google Business Profile more increased effective power, it’s important to widen your approach and optimize listings on other major directories such as Yelp. Firstly, Yelp’s vast user traffic and high credibility in Google’s eyes indicate that your business’s Yelp page stands a satisfactory chance of occurring on the first page of Google for relevant inquiries. Secondly, an amazing listing on Yelp, supported by positive reviews, greatly improves your overall online visibility. Reviews and backlinks from reputed sites transmit strong signals to Google, affecting its ranking algorithm.

Just like your particular attention to the Google Business Profile, guarantee that all your online directory listings are complete, correct, uniform across different platforms, and regularly edited. Engage with your audience by promptly managing and replying to reviews. Also, recognize to improve your online listings with stunning photos.

To measure the significance of your Google Business Profile and other important listings, leverage the free business listings grader provided by LocaliQ. This tool presents useful insights into the online description of your business, helping you make knowledgeable adjustments for a stronger online presence.

Step #1: Improve Your On-Site SEO

The fact is: That on-page SEO is among the multiple Instantaneous methods to improve your rankings on Google.

This is because you can optimize your page every 2 minutes and start noticing an advancement in rankings within a few days.

Now, the big query: How can you virtually optimize your site near your targeted keywords?

I’ve made a complete video that covers almost everything you need to know regarding on-page optimization. However, if you prefer to read, let me summarize the most crucial on-page tactics for you to execute right away.

Foremost and best, confirm that your keyword is positioned prominently at the Beginning of your title tag.

Allow me to explain with an example:

Frontloaded keyword in post title

This method is guided to as “Frontloading” your keyword.

Why does this count?

Google allocates a little higher precedence to terms that occur prematurely in your title tag, while keywords that occur later on acquire less emphasis.

Google keyword emphasis

As an example, the mark keyword for this page is “SEO copywriting”:

Backlinko – SEO copywriting

As clear, my title tag starts with this keyword.

SEO copywriting – Post title

Secondly, guarantee that your range spans a minimum of 1800 words.

Established on our study of Google’s primary ranking factors, we discovered that the standard first-page result on Google comprises around 1,447 words.

Average content word count of the top 10 results is evenly distributed

Based on my knowledge, I can confirm that longer content normally achieves increased rankings in search engines.

To demonstrate, we currently hold the #1 position for a highly competitive keyword: “Mobile SEO”. This keyword poses significant competition, with big authority sites such as Moz, Yoast, and even Google competing for position.

Google SERP – Mobile SEO

That’s exactly why I took the ambition to ensure my page completely covers every element one might want to know regarding optimizing their website for mobile gadgets.

In fact, my scope totals an expansive 4,330 words, leaving no gravel unturned in delivering in-depth wisdom and knowledge.

Content word count

Certainly, there are circumstances where a long-form range may not be right, particularly for an e-commerce-type page. However, if the possibility arises to create and transmit complete content, it is favorably advisable to do so.

Lastly, desire to include your keyword 2-3 times throughout your page.

This process is not interchangeable with keyword filling or similar techniques. Instead, when you combine relevant terms into your content, you’re actually signaling to Google: “This page is positively appropriate to this search query!”

For instance, in my search to improve my rankings for the keyword “squeeze page”, I strategically retained that term a few times on my page where it unaffectedly fit.

"Squeeze Page" keyword sprinkling


This conveys us to the second step…

Step #2: Add Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords to your webpage.

LSI keywords define a highly useful developed on-page SEO technique that is producing amazing results nowadays.

Now, let’s delve into what LSI keywords precisely entail.

LSI keywords, or Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, are terms and expressions nearly associated with the primary topic of your page.

To explain, here are a few LSI keywords connected to the primary keyword “Cold Brew Coffee”:

LSI keywords add up to let Google determine the topic

Combining these LSI keywords signals to Google that your range circles around that specific topic.

Google will also scan for LSI keywords

Optimizing the range to briefly cover a distinct topic within a single page is Essential for ensuring a high ranking on the first page of Google’s search results.

Single page topic

How can you find and actually utilize LSI keywords for your website?

I recommend researching LSIGraph, an unrestricted SEO tool, to help in this process.

LSI Graph – Homepage

To get begun, only input your direct keyword into the tool…

LSI Graph – "keto diet" search

…and it will develop a set of LSI keywords that can be seamlessly integrated into your page.

LSI Graph – "keto diet" results

Step #3: Monitor Your Technical SEO

For the vast preponderance of websites (about 90%), technological SEO poses no substantial challenges.

However, it’s important to be mindful that even though they’re unusual, technical SEO problems can hardly affect your site’s overall SEO implementation.

Hence, they deserve your awareness.

Here are three necessary elements to monitor:

Foremost and greatest, I extremely recommend confirming that your site is fully optimized for mobile devices.

Provided that we’re in 2023, this is probably not a concern for you.

However, it’s still beneficial to verify.

Thankfully, demonstrating your site’s mobile optimization is quite clear.

Just input a URL from your website into Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing tool for a brief review.

Google Mobile-Friendly URL test

If you see all indicators labeled as green, you’re right to go.

Google's mobile friendly test

If not, it’s important to manage and correct the problems as soon as feasible.

Google Mobile-Friendly Test – Viral Marketing post with errors

I also advise considering your site’s loading rate.

It’s widely understood that a site’s moderate loading time is an influential Google ranking factor.

Site speed is a Google ranking factor

Based on my knowledge, while Page Speed isn’t an overwhelmingly essential ranking factor, it can positively affect your rankings.

I guide exploring your site’s speed by utilizing tools like or Website Checker. These free tools supply a complete overview, obliging in the identification and answer of any technical issues in your domain.

Web Page Test

It’s a free tool that delivers an expansive list of suggestions to improve your site’s speed.

Following, is a guide to the Search Console.

Navigate to the “Index” and then select “Coverage” from the sidebar.

Google Search Console – Coverage

As is clear, there is one mistake categorized as ‘Valid With Warnings.

Google Search Console – Warnings

The errors classified as ‘Valid With Warnings’ may not be prominent, but they should be handled. Contrariwise, if you come across a considerable number of red ‘Errors,’ it’s important to embark promptly.

Google Search Console – Errors over time

Finally, I forcefully advise including the Yoast SEO plugin for websites operating on WordPress. Will this plugin magically boost your rankings? No. Nevertheless, it can greatly enhance the SEO goodwill of your WordPress site directly from the start.

Yoast SEO

Step #4: Align your content with the search intent.

Search Intent’ has evolved into the latest buzzword in the domain of SEO.

Search intent collage

“And for a good reason.

Thanks especially to RankBrain, Google can now determine whether your site aligns well with a detailed keyword.

In simpler terms, Google monitors how users encounter your website.

So, if users always find what they’re exploring for on your page, you can expect an advance in your rankings.”

Rankings that are improving
Rankings that are dropping
Types of user intent

I kindly ask permission to expound upon this issue by providing a beneficial illustration.

A few years ago, my goal was to rank for the keyword ‘Conversion Rate Optimization.’

Therefore, we saved WEEKS to collect an expansive list of CRO techniques.”

Backlinko – CRO Complete List

“Initially, the scope achieved very well. It invariably seduced a significant amount of search engine traffic every month.”

Decent amount of organic traffic

Over time, Google came to learn that individuals exploring “Conversion Rate Optimization” were not seeking an expansive list of techniques. As apparent in this Google Analytics screenshot, organic traffic to that exact page gradually reduced.

Google Analytics – Decline in traffic

After careful consideration, I have arrived at a solution to launch on learning the underlying search intent after the term ‘Conversion Rate Optimization.’

Certainly! Here’s an improved performance of the provided text:

However, upon considering what someone typing this into Google might be pursuing, I identified their possible intent:

  1. A clear description of what CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) truly entails.
  2. A complete description of how CRO operates.
  3. Demonstrative illustrations showcasing CRO in real-world applications.
  4. Useful tips and understandings for launching on the CRO journey.

Next, I executed an investigation of the current content already entertaining the first page of search results. It became clear that almost every result contained all the important aspects that were lacking in my own content.”

This performance aims to keep the spirit of the initial while purifying the wording for transparency and readability.

"Conversion Rate Optimization" search results

Primarily structured as a comprehensive beginner’s guide, I launched a complete overhaul of my content. Changing that array of techniques, I prepared a complete resource titled ‘Conversion Rate Optimization: The Classic Guide.

Backlinko – Conversion rate optimization

Now that my page aligns perfectly with the investigation intent, it has undergone a great wave in organic traffic—increasing by an amazing 214% compared to its last traffic levels

214% more organic traffic than before

In spirit, to improve your Google ranking, it’s important that your page exactly matches what somebody is searching for. When this alignment occurs, Google becomes keen to showcase your site to a wider audience. This highlights the essence of a victorious SEO strategy—providing Google with just what it desires is the bedrock of victory.

Step #5: Reduce Your Bounce Rate

Our immediate focus is on reducing your site’s bounce rate. Why is this crucial? Because Google frowns upon visitors landing on a site and swiftly bouncing back to the search results. It’s all about ensuring users stay engaged and find value in your content, which is key to a favorable standing on Google.


his behavior sends a clear signal to Google that visitors aren’t satisfied. When users aren’t pleased with their experience, it can significantly impact your rankings. Keeping users engaged and contented is vital for maintaining a strong position in Google’s rankings

Lots of pogosticking indicates poor content and drop in ranking

It goes without saying that aligning your content with Search Intent is an excellent strategy to improve your bounce rate. Providing searchers with precisely what they’re seeking reduces the likelihood of them bouncing off your page.

In addition to catering to Search Intent, there are several straightforward measures to enhance your site’s bounce rate.

First, I suggest examining your site’s ‘Above The Fold’ section.

This section represents the initial content visible to visitors upon landing on your site

Above the fold

Based on my experience, a visitor’s decision to bounce or engage is heavily influenced by their interaction with this section.

The most effective way to enhance your ‘Above The Fold’ area is by prioritizing your content to occupy the top position. This ensures that Google searchers can promptly access the information they are seeking.

As an illustration, you can observe how my content is prominently positioned at the top of the page.

Intro above fold

Additionally, it’s important to structure your page in a way that facilitates easy navigation for visitors to find what they’re searching for.

One effective strategy is incorporating a table of contents at the beginning of your page, like the one you see here. This aids in providing a clear roadmap, enabling users to quickly locate the specific information they are interested in

Table of contents

This approach allows individuals to swiftly navigate to the step that piques their interest the most.

Lastly, integrate visuals such as images, videos, charts, screenshots, or even selfies—any form of visual content that adds appeal and enhances comprehension. Incorporating these elements can significantly reduce your bounce rate by making your content more engaging and easier to grasp.

For instance, I make it a point to include numerous visuals in every post, enriching the user experience.

Visuals for every post

These strategies contribute to maintaining an impressively low bounce rate for my content

Step #6: Discover Additional Keywords to Focus On

By now, you should begin noticing an improvement in your site’s Google ranking. The next step is to further boost traffic to your site.

The simplest way to achieve this is by optimizing your page for multiple keywords. Here’s a step-by-step process:

To begin, navigate to the ‘Performance on Search results’ report within Google Search Console.

Google Search Console – Performance on search results

Next, carefully review the queries for which your site is ranking

Google Search Console – List of queries

Most of these queries are likely familiar, as you’ve already optimized your web pages for these specific keywords.

However, from time to time, you’ll stumble upon a keyword that you haven’t intentionally optimized for. If you’re ranking for that term inadvertently, just imagine how achievable it would be to rank for it intentionally.

For instance, I noticed some traffic coming in from individuals searching for ‘YouTube video description examples.

YouTube Video Description – Example

Interestingly, I don’t have a dedicated page optimized specifically for that keyword. Nevertheless, people searching for it are landing on this particular page from my site.

Backlinko – Hub – YouTube video description

This page actually contains an illustrative example of a video description

Video description screenshot in post

However, the page isn’t particularly tailored to target that specific term. To optimize effectively, I’d revisit that page and strategically incorporate the exact phrase a few times, while expanding on the example provided.

Alternatively, I could create an entirely new page meticulously optimized for that keyword. Both approaches are viable.

Repeat this process a few times to maximize results

Step #7: Publish Insanely High-Quality Content

You’ve likely come across the advice that to rank on Google, you need to ‘publish high-quality content.’ While this holds true, putting it into action can be quite challenging.

Defining what ‘high-quality content’ truly means can be elusive.

Yes, you should aim to publish outstanding material on your site. However, it should be the kind of content that resonates with people, prompting them to share it on social media and link to it.

This is crucial because Google’s algorithm places significant weight on backlinks. The more reputable backlinks your site acquires, the higher your ranking will be

Top ranking pages have more backlinks than lower ranking page

The most effective approach to building backlinks to your site? Publish content that naturally attracts links, often referred to as ‘link bait.’

Here are several strategies to boost the likelihood of people linking to your content:

  1. Become a Data Source: Create content that serves as a valuable reference for others to cite in their own blog posts. An example of this is our extensive email outreach study in partnership with Pitchbox back in 2019.”

This version retains the essence of your message while enhancing clarity and coherence.

Backlinko – Email outreach study

This post was filled with rich data, statistics, and figures—precisely the type of content that bloggers and journalists eagerly link to.

For instance, a notable finding was that fewer than 10% of all outreach emails actually received a response.

Only 8.5% of all outreach emails receive a response

Bloggers and journalists swiftly began citing this statistic as compelling evidence that the majority of outreach efforts end in failure.

SEJ – Backlinko reference

Focus on Long-Form Content

mentioned the significance of longer content in step #1.

As it happens, longer content is also highly effective in attracting backlinks.

Long-form content generates more backlinks than short blog posts

While there’s no definitive ‘perfect’ word count for blog posts, content exceeding 3,000 words often excels in terms of link building.

Another effective strategy is to publish visual content, such as:

  • Infographics
  • Maps
  • Charts
  • Flowcharts
  • Videos

Visual content is highly effective for attracting backlinks. For instance, we previously shared an infographic on our blog that garnered significant attention.

On-Page SEO infographic

Yes, it required an extensive email outreach effort to spread the word about the infographic. However, once we presented this infographic to the right audience, they were more than willing to embed it on their respective blogs.

Tresnic Media – Infographic share

Creating exceptional content is undoubtedly crucial. However, for your content to acquire backlinks, it must be seen by the right audience.

To put it simply, employing a ‘publish and pray’ approach in content marketing won’t suffice. Your content exists amidst a vast ocean of blog posts, videos, Instagram stories, and Facebook posts released daily.

For perspective, WordPress reports a staggering 70 million new posts every month

WordPress – Monthly blog posts

The key takeaway here is that active promotion of your content is essential if you want people to link to your site.

In this video, I walk you through the top 9 link-building strategies that have proven most effective for me at the moment: [Link to Video]

However, it’s important to note that utilizing all 9 strategies may not be necessary for your link-building efforts. Instead, I recommend focusing on these 3 highly effective techniques:

  1. Get Links Via Dead Links (also known as Broken Link Building):

To employ this strategy, start by installing the CheckMyLinks Chrome extension.

This version maintains the main points while refining the language for clarity and conciseness.

Check My Links tool

Next, navigate to a webpage and scan it for a dead link.

Find dead links

When you encounter a broken link, send a personalized email using a script similar to this:

Subject: Issue with [Page Title] – Broken Link and Potential Solution

Hi [First Name],

While browsing your page titled ‘[Page Title],’ I noticed a broken link pointing to [Website], resulting in a 404 error.

Interestingly, I’ve recently published a relevant post on [Topic], which could seamlessly replace the non-functional link.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Guest posting: Controversial topic

And for valid reasons.

Guest posting has earned a reputation for being potentially spammy. In fact, Google explicitly warns against large-scale campaigns employing ‘keyword-rich’ anchor text links, deeming them inappropriate.

Keyword-rich anchor text links

So, as long as you steer clear of a) overly prioritizing guest posting as your primary link-building strategy and b) refrain from using keyword-rich anchor text excessively in your backlinks, you’re on the right track.

For instance, here’s a guest post I authored and published on the SEMRush blog

SEMrush – Quest post

This was published on another site within my niche (search engine optimization), so that’s a big checkmark.

Moreover, I only published two guest posts that month, hardly constituting ‘large scale’ guest blogging.

Additionally, the link back to my site didn’t contain any keywords.

SEMrush – Backlinko link

Resource pages are highly effective for link building.

They are essentially curated pages containing links to the best content related to a specific topic.

Backlinko – Learn SEO fast

This page provides valuable links to resources about various aspects of SEO, including keyword research, content creation, and more.

Backlinko – Helpful content

If you have exceptional content related to SEO, I would certainly consider including it on that page as a valuable resource

Step #9: Track and Monitor Your Results

At this stage, you should start observing an improvement in your site’s Google ranking—a positive development. However, how can you be certain if these rankings are truly benefiting you?


How do you effectively monitor your SEO results without the tedious task of checking rankings constantly?

This step is dedicated to addressing these essential questions. I will guide you on how to track your results with the precision of a professional.

Begin by focusing on ‘Google Analytics Organic Traffic:

While rankings are important, nothing compares to the significance of organic traffic when evaluating the effectiveness of SEO marketing. Organic traffic pertains to individuals who discover your website via search engine outcomes.

This emphasis on organic traffic is due to the fact that rankings alone can be misleading.

In fact, a study within the industry revealed that securing the #1 position on Google isn’t as impactful as it may seem

Ahrefs – Study of keywords

The study discovered that the page holding the top spot in Google’s rankings doesn’t always receive the highest amount of traffic.

How often does the top-ranking page get the most total search traffic? 51% of the time, not

Let’s first focus on organic Click-Through Rate (CTR).

I’ll delve deeper into this in the next step, but here’s a brief overview: In Google search results, the second-ranking page often receives more clicks than the first-ranked page. It’s essential to understand that improving your organic CTR can have a significant impact. By doubling your CTR, you effectively double the traffic you receive from a particular keyword

Increase in click through rate = More traffic

Next, let’s discuss the potential for a single page to rank for THOUSANDS of different keywords.

Imagine your page ranks at #1 for keyword A, while your competitor holds the #2 spot for the same term.

Keyword A

You might hold the #1 spot for keyword A, but your competitor secures the top position for keywords B, C, and D.

Keyword B, Keyword C and Keyword D

Due to their ability to rank for a wider array of keywords, it is probable that they will garner a greater amount of traffic from Google compared to you. In conclusion, although it is crucial to monitor your Google rankings, the ultimate measure for tracking SEO success lies in organic traffic. Google Search Console provides valuable insights through metrics such as ‘Impressions’ and ‘Clicks.’ These metrics serve as a valuable supplement to the earlier discussed organic traffic report in Google Analytics. The ‘Impressions’ metric signifies the frequency with which your website appeared in searches, while ‘Clicks’ represent the number of instances users clicked through to your site.

Total clicks .vs. Impressions

As one would anticipate, the greater the number of individuals who view and click on your website through Google, the more favorable the outcome. Leads and Sales To put it differently, does this surge in traffic actually contribute to the financial gains? This is a question that often goes unnoticed. However, if you desire a substantial return on investment from search engine optimization (SEO), it is imperative to determine whether these new visitors are converting into customers. There exist numerous methods to track this phenomenon. Nevertheless, my preferred approach is utilizing the Goals feature within Google Analytics. In fact, this is the tool we employ to identify the pages that yield the highest number of email subscribers for our organization.

Google Analytics – Goal completion

Step #10: Include Meaningful Visuals

Search engine optimization (SEO) extends beyond the mere utilization of carefully selected keywords and compliance with Google’s Core Web Vitals criteria. Instead, it involves the integration of superior content with complementary aesthetics to effectively stimulate and engage user interest. In this regard, images play a crucial role by providing the following benefits:

  • Clarification of Comparison
    For example, to visually depict the surge in traffic during a particular season, employ charts, graphs, or suitable infographics to effectively convey the data.
  • Brand Protection from Copyright Violation. Backlinko benefits from a dedicated team of graphic designers who enhance content presentation by seamlessly integrating high-quality brand images. These captivating visuals play a vital role in creating awareness about our domain, products, and services, making them easily recognizable, especially on various social media platforms. Not only do these visuals promote brand awareness, but they also present excellent opportunities for building backlinks by requesting proper credits. In certain instances, Google may showcase featured snippets using text from one website and images from another. Achieving such a rich result can significantly boost your website’s traffic and increase the likelihood of winning a featured snippet position
    Featured snippet with text from one domain and image from a different domain
  • Silent Moves.
    Brands have achieved viral success by cleverly leveraging memes and gifs that deeply resonate with their audience. When sharing images, it’s crucial to use niche-specific keywords and adhere to standard protocols for reducing file sizes. Exceptional visuals have the potential to quickly go viral and drive a significant influx of traffic, often without a word being spoken! Brian’s Pro Tip: Niche Context and Relevance. In certain cases, Google perceives visuals as the most effective means to fulfill search intent. Queries such as ‘How to…’ often favor video content and are rewarded with higher rankings. Thorough research is essential to tailor your approach accordingly, especially within specific niches.

Step #11: Make Your Information Skimmable

According to a study conducted by Hubspot on website engagement, the average duration of time spent by individuals on a web page is 54 seconds. This finding implies that website owners have a limited timeframe to create a positive impression on their visitors. Despite the increased time spent online, the abundance of information available necessitates the need for exceptional results to achieve engagement.

To stand out, it is advisable to use precise and comprehensible sentences, employ active voice, incorporate bullet points and subheadings to facilitate easy reading, and include visuals to enhance user appeal. For more practical recommendations on enhancing website rankings, kindly refer to our actionable tips.

Bonus Step #1: Boost Your Click-Through-Rate

It is widely recognized that Google factors in click-through rates as part of its algorithm.

In fact, numerous studies, such as the one referenced here, have identified a correlation between “Expected CTR” and rankings on Google.

CTR .vs. Organic search position

To rephrase the text in a formal style:

In alternative terms:

The greater your organic click-through rate (CTR), the higher your overall ranking is likely to be.

This is due to the fact that a high CTR indicates to Google that your webpage aligns with the searchers’ intent.

Consequently, Google will enhance the rankings of your webpage to facilitate its discoverability by users.

Rankings that are improving

Herein lie a handful of uncomplicated methods through which one may attain a greater number of clicks:

  • Use Emotional Title Tags: In other words, titles that stand out. Here’s an example:
    Emotionally Packed Title
  • Use Short, Descriptive URLs: These are good for SEO in general. Moreover, they assist Google’s search algorithms in identifying your page as a highly relevant match for their search queries.
    SEO copywriting – Post URL
  • Rich Snippets: Rich Snippets (like stars) really help your site stand out in the SERPs.
    Google SERP – Rich snippet – Recipe
  • Compelling Meta Descriptions: Your meta description should “sell” your page.
    Meta description in Google SERP

Bonus Step #2: Use Internal Linking

Are you seeking a convenient method to enhance your Google rankings? Consider implementing internal linking as a strategy. Essentially, this involves establishing links that connect one page on your website to another page within the same site.

Link to important pages

In contrast to backlinks, it is possible to employ precise-match anchor text within your internal links.

No internal linking penalty

As an illustration, I am presently ranked low on the initial page for the keyword phrase “Google Search Console”.

Google SERP – Google Search Console

Given the substantial monthly search volume for this particular keyword, a mere ascent of a single position could potentially yield significant benefits for my endeavors.

SEMrush – "Google Search Console" results

In order to enhance the likelihood of achieving a higher ranking for this particular page, I incorporate an internal hyperlink to said page each time I make reference to the Google Search Console.

Google Search Console – Internal link

Rinse and repeat the following steps for all of your high-priority pages. The importance of achieving a high ranking on Google cannot be overstated.

There are several significant benefits to ranking high on Google, which are outlined below:

1. Increased organic clicks: Studies have shown that the top search results on Google receive an average click-through rate (CTR) of 27.6%. Furthermore, the number one result for a search query is 10 times more likely to receive a click. Therefore, ranking high on Google can significantly increase the number of organic clicks your website receives.

2. Reduced marketing costs: Inbound marketing, which involves building strong relationships with customers through tailored content and information, can be time-consuming and yield low returns per lead. However, by achieving higher rankings on Google, you can reach a larger pool of potential leads more efficiently, thereby reducing the time and resources required for inbound marketing. This can also complement your social media marketing efforts.

3. Enhanced business reputation and image: High organic traffic signals trust and quality to both existing and potential clients, thereby endorsing a brand’s image. In essence, a top ranking on Google indicates trustworthiness, relevance, utility, and credibility, which can positively impact a brand’s reputation.

4. Increased business authenticity: Ranking at the top of search results means that clients are interacting with your products, services, and information. From a psychological and marketing standpoint, a reputable brand is more likely to be accepted based on authentic relationships formed through interactions with website visitors.

5. Competitive advantage in the market: Higher traffic numbers resulting from a high Google ranking can lead to increased sales, better conversions, and overall brand awareness, giving your business a competitive edge over rivals.


I trust that you have found my comprehensive guide on enhancing your Google ranking to be informative

Which technique outlined in the guide do you intend to implement initially?

Do you plan to commence internal linking?

Alternatively, are you considering enhancing your organic CTR?

Kindly share your thoughts by leaving a comment below at your earliest convenience.

I trust that you found my comprehensive guide on enhancing your Google ranking to be of value. At this juncture, I am eager to receive your feedback:

Which technique outlined in the guide do you intend to implement initially?

Do you plan on commencing internal linking?

Alternatively, are you inclined towards enhancing your organic click-through rate?

Regardless of your choice, kindly express your thoughts by leaving a comment below without delay.

Mastering Google’s First Page: A Recap

Achieving a high ranking on Google, or even just improving your position, is a feasible goal, even for small businesses. It requires effort and time, but it is one of the most crucial tasks you can undertake for the success of your business. By understanding where and how to make necessary adjustments, you can ensure that your business gains the visibility it rightfully deserves.

Develop a keyword strategy that targets the terms your potential customers are searching for.

Incorporate these keywords into your website content, as well as HTML tags.

Write content that is tailored for human readers, rather than solely focusing on search engine optimization.

Focus on targeting location-based searches.

Optimize your website for mobile devices.

Prioritize providing a positive user experience

. Create a Google My Business account.

Optimize your Business Profile on Google.

Encourage customers to leave reviews of your business.

List your business on relevant directories.

If you are interested in learning how WordStream can assist you in achieving a first-page ranking on Google, please explore our range of digital marketing solutions and contact us today.


What is SEO, and why is it important for website ranking on Google?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing your website to improve its visibility in search engine results, like Google. It’s essential because higher rankings can lead to more organic traffic and better online visibility.

What are the key elements of on-page SEO for Google ranking?

On-page SEO includes optimizing meta titles, descriptions, headings, content, images, and internal links. It’s crucial for search engines to understand your page’s content.

How does off-page SEO influence website ranking on Google?

Off-page SEO involves building high-quality backlinks and improving your website’s reputation online. Google considers these factors to determine the authority and trustworthiness of your site.

What is keyword research, and how does it impact Google ranking?

Keyword research helps you find the right terms your target audience uses when searching. Optimizing your content with these keywords improves your chances of ranking well for relevant searches.

Can I improve my website’s loading speed to rank better on Google?

Yes, faster loading speeds positively impact SEO. Google rewards websites that provide a better user experience, and faster loading times contribute to that.

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